Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar - - Toward Greener Aero Engines 迈向更加绿色的航空动力
China is striving to catch up with the western world in advanced aero engine technologies. It is a long and treacherous road. The world, however, is moving quickly toward more greener and environmental friendly aero propulsions. Now we must look to future, and prepare critical technologies to enable us to compete more evenly on the green run way of the future.
In this talk, the speaker will also give a brief on ACAE CAE’s research & development framework and its link with universities.

Dr. Jinzhang Feng is experienced in leading short term intensive technical programs and long term major technology initiatives. He has been working for many years on various critical technical challenges in contemporary aero engines, and has wide and deep impact in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and its applications. He has also made major contributions to turbomachinary design and analyses. Over the years Dr. Feng has received many prestigious awards, and has been selected in many Chinese government top talent programs. In 2014 Dr. Feng was bestowed “Friendship Award”, the highest government award for an oversea expert, for his lifetime achievement.