Intellectual Property Seminar Series - Smart Tips and Insights - U.S. Patent Prosecution Practice
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Room 1403, SCI/HOME (Lifts 25-26)
Obtaining patents is essential for any business that envisions market share and growth, funding, tech-based revenue streams and strategic vertical and horizontal alliances in their business plan. However, transforming your idea into a valid patent is no easy feat. Pitfalls abound and patents, if obtained, can inherit weaknesses that can eventually rise to the forefront and handicap patent owners at the most inopportune times. There are ways to prevent or minimize such weaknesses, and such prevention strategies start as early as before drafting the patent application. Issues, such as patentable subject matter, written description, indefiniteness, enablement, novelty, obviousness and the duty of candor, must be aptly addressed during prosecution while keeping a balanced eye on the prior art, potential challenges in the U.S. court system and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and the future of your business and industry. How to increase your chances in obtain valid patents in the U.S. while negotiating this delicate but necessary balance? Come to this seminar and find out.

This seminar will help you understand more about the U.S. patent prosecution process and the anatomy of the U.S. patent application, and will present tips and insights regarding U.S. patents and patent applications in various industries, such as the biotechnology/chemical and electrical/software arts. People involved or who are interested in being involved in the business of technology innovation are encouraged to attend.
讲者/ 表演者:
Ms. Cindy Yang
Office of Knowledge Transfer