Soft Power: From Laozi-Kongfuzi to the 21st Century
Soft Power is the ability to influence people based on culture and affiliation, as opposed to hard power by military and economics. Its influence is thus more co-optive than coercive. Soft power can only be nurtured, not purchased on-the-shelf. Laozi demonstrated it by the concept of, 有與無, or real and virtual; Kongfuzi stressed its importance as 信 and 無信不立. In knowledge economy, soft power is important for the development of nation, business, and individual. This lecture will focus on how you can be benefited by cultivating it for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Prof Otto Lin
Former Vice President for Research and Development & Former Professor of IEEM/CBME
Speakers / Performers:
Prof Tik Sang Liu (Moderator)
Associate Professor of Division of Humanities & Director of South China Research Center
Recommended For
Faculty and staff
PG students
UG students
Dean of Students’ Office