Optimization of Ride-Sharing from Public Transportation Hub

10:30am - 11:20am
Zoom ID: 362 691 7459 Password:INTR6800D

Inter-modal transfer efficiency is the key to success for the development of Inter-modal passenger transportation system, such as high-speed rail trains and last-mile transport. Long waiting time often occurs for passengers when they get off trains and transfer to taxi or e-hailing services. On the other hand, taxi and e-hailing service drives also suffer from long waiting time for picking up customers at the over-crowded pickup points. In light of the transfer efficiency challenge, it becomes urgent for transport hub operators (e.g., airports, railway stations) to design systematic approaches to maximize the transfer efficiency between rail trains and last-mile transport. In this paper, we propose a ride-sharing approach for the last-mile transport system while ensuring efficient transfer connection between public transport and last-mile transport. We develop an arc-based mixed integer linear programming model and a set partitioning model with the objective of minimizing total vehicle operating cost and passenger transfer connection cost. Two solution approaches are developed (1) a branch-&-price exact algorithm that can solve real-world size instances to optimality within reasonable computational time; and (2) a column generation heuristic method that yields high-quality near-optimal solutions very efficiently without having to implement a full-scale branch-&-bound search. Computational experiments based on randomly generated test instances confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the solution approaches. It is also demonstrated based on the real data that ride-sharing is an effective measure to mitigate the crowdedness of the pickup areas and enhance the transfer efficiency for public transport hubs.

講者/ 表演者:
Prof. Jiangang Jin
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dr. Jiangang Jin is a Professor of the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received the Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua University in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in civil and environmental engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2013. His research interests lie in the application of large-scale modeling and optimization to transportation and logistics systems, such as container port operations, public transportation system optimization. He received the National Excellent Young Scholars Award of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the First Price of INFORMS RAS Problem Solving Competition. He has published more than 40 referred papers in international journals and conferences, such as Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B/C/E. He is serving as Area Editor for the journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering.

Systems Hub, HKUST(GZ) 代表 Intelligent Transportation Thrust