MPhil Thesis Presentation - Liquid Crystal Polymer/PDMS based Flexible and Robust Spinal Cord Interface with Functionalized Stimulating Sites using PEDOT MIL-100(Fe)

9:30am - 11:00am
Room 4503 (Lift 27-28)

Spinal Cord Injury statistically affects a significant population around the globe deteriorating the quality of life of the individuals suffering from it. Neuromodulation or electrical stimulation plays a remarkable role in restoration of the impaired neural pathways so as to achieve an engineered solution to the problem. Neural interfaces form an integral part of this technique especially with spinal cord stimulating electrodes being introduced to provide a medium for replacement of lost motor functions. The state-ofthe-art spinal interfaces offer positive results for acute functionality, however, the conversion of these sophisticated technologies into interfaces mediating long lasting therapeutic benefits has yet to be achieved. Thus, the research focuses on development of soft and compliant stimulating electrodes that exhibits excellent biocompatibility, flexibility, and robustness in order to mitigate the foreign body response and contribute towards long term performance of the device. The aim is to develop a novel biocompatible and highly compliant device by integration of Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) through nanofabrication techniques. Another aspect of the research is to enhance the stimulating capabilities of the fabricated device using a novel approach. This involves functionalising the subpar stimulating site material with a composite made of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) conducting polymer and MIL-100(Fe) which is a metal organic framework (MOF) through electrochemical deposition process.

講者/ 表演者:
MADALA, Sachitanand

Examination Committee:
Prof. Yoonseob Kim, Chairman
Prof. I-ming Hsing, Supervisor
Prof. Richard Lakerveld

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering