Many advanced materials have been developed for field-effect transistors (FETs) or thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on organic and organic hybrid materials. However, although many new TFTs exhibit superior characteristic parameters (such as high mobility), most of them show non-ideal performances that have strongly limited the progress designs of molecules, understandings of transport mechanisms, and circuit applications of TFTs. I will discuss the device physics of ideal and non-ideal TFTs and the factors that limit the effective mobility in semiconducting channels, distort the potential distribution, and reduce the drift electric field.
Chuan Liu received Ph.D. degree from University of Cambridge (U.K.) for the research of organic semiconductors. Then he moved to National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS, Japan) as a postdoc researcher and to Dongguk University (Seoul, South Korea) as an assistant professor. He is now a professor in Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou, China). He is mainly interested in theoretical and experimental studies in thin-film transistors and solution-processed electronics. He served as the executive chair for the 13th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference, the editorial board member of the journal Semiconductor Science and Technology of IOP Publishing, and associate editor of Journal of the Society for Information Display.
Ms. Venus Pang (eevenus@ust.hk)