IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture - Stem and Niche Cell Dynamics during Development and Regeneration

4:00pm - 5:30pm
Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LT-B), HKUST


Muscle stem cells are heterogeneous in properties, both within a single muscle, and in different anatomical locations. This heterogeneity is manifested at multiple levels including distinct gene regulatory networks and modes of cell divisions. For example, following muscle injury, MuSCs can self-renew and differentiate through symmetric (SCD) and asymmetric (ACD) cell divisions and the relative frequency of these modes of cell division are dynamic during muscle regeneration. We developed several static and novel live imaging pipelines to assess MuSC fates in different microenvironments. Our analyses of normal and diseased conditions in this and other contexts exposed novel properties of myogenic cells in their quiescent and proliferating states. Furthermore, transcriptional profiling and functional assays of distinct muscle groups identified core gene regulatory networks that are common and unique to each population. How this diversity emerges during development and evolution and solicited during disease will be discussed.

About the Speaker

Prof. Tajbakhsh is currently the Head of Stem Cells & Development Unit in the Department of Developmental & Stem Cell Biology at Institut Pasteur, and the Director of a “Laboratory of Excellence” Consortium, REVIVE, regrouping leading labs working on stem cells (2011-2024). Prof. Tajbakhsh is the Vice-President of the scientific council of the Association Française contre les myopathies (AFM) and Board member of the French Society for Stem Cell Research. He is also a member of the scientific council of the Fondation Générale de Sante and on the international and advisory committees of the ISSCR. Prof. Tajbakhsh has participated in a number of EU consortia and also co-directs an annual 2- week Advanced in Stem Cell Biology course at Institute Pasteur.

For Attendees' Attention

Seating is on a first come, first served basis.

HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study