Guest Seminar - Preparation of functional fibers using ionic liquids as solvent

9:30am - 10:30am
Room 2502 (Lifts 25-26), 2/F, Academic Building

Regenerated cellulose fibers (RCFs) are processed using natural cellulose as raw materials, and they have some excellent properties and can be used in high quality textile field. So, production of regenerated cellulose fibers using natural cellulose is crucial for efficient utilization of biomass and sustainable development. Due to some unique properties of ionic liquids, such as high solubility, controllable, recyclable, they provide a new opportunity for the preparation of RCFs. Our group developed a new spinning technology based on ILs.  It has some advantages, such as simple process, no waste emission. It takes our group about 10 years from basic research to industrial demonstration plant. In 2022, we set up a hundred ton demonstration plant with Xinxiang chemical fiber, and the demonstration plant runs stably. In October 2023, it passed the scientific and technological achievements appraisal of China Petrochemical Association, and the overall technology reached the "international leading level". Moreover, the spinning technology based on ILs could be used to prepare of antibacterial fibers and melamine flame retardant fibers.

講者/ 表演者:
Prof. Hongshuai GAO
Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Hongshuai GAO is currently Full Professor at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include designing and synthesis of functionalized ionic liquids (ILs), application of ILs in the separation field, and has carried out systematic research on the preparation of functional fibers by ionic liquid method. He is responsible for about 15 projects, including 5 National Natural Science Fund. He has published 77 SCI papers, some are published on top chemical engineering journals, including Nature Commun., Green Chem., and his H-index is 29. He has issued 29 Chinese invention patents, including 17 authorized patents, and completed 4 scientific and technological achievements appraisal. He was awarded the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations CAS in 2011, Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS in 2013, the 9th Hou Debang Chemical Science & Technology Youth Award in 2017. He won the first prize of "Basic Research Achievement Award" of Science and Technology of China Chemical Industry Society in 2022. He was selected as the Special Research Backbone Post of CAS and the Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Henan Province in 2023.

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Division of Environment & Sustainability