Guest Seminar - From Lab to Fab Challenges and Opportunities for a Rewarding Career in Industrial RandD

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Room 4620 (Lift 31‐32)

Choosing the right career path is probably one of the biggest life decisions we have to make after we walked past the “Red Bird” to the real world. Apart from pursuing new frontiers of science and engineering in the academic field, there are also many exciting opportunities in industry and manufacturing that we can excel in applying fundamental science for R&D, new product development, continuous improvement and problem solving. Afterall, the goal of engineers is to improve the quality of life by making innovations and solving problems from personal to global scales. We are all at a critical juncture in the history of mankind that we are facing a paramount challenge in environment, energy, resource, food, health, aging population, and geopolitical tension. However, this is also the finest moment where many new technologies converge and provide innovative solutions. They are further enabled by the exponential growth of collaborative R&D, big data and AI linked by digital means.

Johnson Electric is a world‐leading motor and motion subsystem manufacturer that provides innovative solutions in automotive, industrial and health care areas as a safe choice. In this interactive seminar, I will share the multifaceted R&D career and growth opportunities at Johnson Electric in the backdrop of key global megatrends for inviting the bright minds to make a real impact on shaping a better future of our society.  

講者/ 表演者:
Dr Calvin Yuen
General Manager, Materials & Manufacturing Technology, Johnson Electric

Dr Calvin Yuen received his B.Sc. and M.Phil. in Physics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on modelling and synthesis of bulk metallic glass. He then obtained his Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with early research on 3D printing. He is currently the general manager at Johnson Electric for leading the global R&D activities on materials and manufacturing technology with emphasis on using physics principle and interdisciplinary collaboration. Dr Yuen also has great interest in education with frequent technical seminars in the companies. He was invited to Hong Kong Productivity Council to share the best practice on adopting the RoHS initiative in Hong Kong and also joined the steering committee from ITC on nanomaterial R&D initiative as industry representative.

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering