Guest Seminar by Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering - Development of intensified reactors: A process intensification methodology perspective

4:30pm - 5:30pm
Room 4620 (Lift 31-32)

The use of intensified equipment, heavily advocated by academia, encounters several hurdles to break through in the chemical industry. This has several reasons, such as the high capital expenditures and the associated long depreciation times, the strong focus on robustness/availability, preferably 8000 h per year, or the fact that benefits are only incremental. Next to the fact that all chemical companies are anxious to be the first to demonstrate new technology, a methodology or a road map for process intensification implementation in the chemical industry is beneficial. The presented work makes an attempt to bridge this gap by proposing a methodology perspective based on coupling: (1) lab-scale fundamental experiments, (2) computational fluid dynamics simulations & optimization, and (3) process simulations & assessment. This could enable low-cost process intensification innovation and help to bring the targeted process intensification technology to technology readiness level 5 and higher at a faster pace. The methodology is then applied to the development of vortex units targeting the application of CO2 capture, allowing CAPEX and OPEX reduction in CO2 capture industry.

講者/ 表演者:

Yi Ouyang is an assistant professor at the Laboratory for Chemical Technology of Ghent University. He is a former FWO postdoctoral researcher focusing on the process intensification of CO2 capture.

His main research interests lie in process intensification in general and in particular the development of process intensification technologies aided by multi-scale computation and modelling. This includes but is not limited to: development of novel reactors, visualization of transport phenomena, mixing/heat/mass transfer performance assessment, computational fluid dynamics simulation (multiphase flow, turbulence flow and reactive flow, etc.), process simulation, scale-up and optimization. He has extensive expertise in the development of vortex units and rotating packing beds targeting various applications.

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering