Gate Cleaning for the New Year 與長者除「垢」迎新

02:00pm - 05:30pm
Tsuen Wan

Before the Chinese New Year, it is customary to engage in spring cleaning to prepare for the arrival of the New Year. In partnership with the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), you have the opportunity to join our team in cleaning the gates and front doors of elderly singles and couples living in Moon Lok Dai Ha. Our team will also inspect the conditions to ensure the smooth operation of the gates and doors. Come be a part of bringing joy and care to the elderly residents and prepare together for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

年廿八, 洗邋遢!這是一個家傳戶曉的傳統習俗, 要將屋企打掃乾淨, 以準備迎接新一年的來臨。在新年來臨前, 科大侍學行與香港房屋協會(房協)合辦義工活動, 為居住在荃灣滿樂大廈的獨居或雙老同住長者清潔及保養維護大閘和大門。同來參加, 讓長者感受到社區的關懷和一同預備迎接喜氣洋洋的新年。

Date: 15 Jan 2025 (Wed)
Time: 2-5:30pm
Gathering Time & Venue: 1:45pm @Tsuen Wan

# You are required to attend the whole service program, including Briefing, Service & Debriefing.


Sign up here by 8 Jan 2025


1. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email from, and will be able to find their application status listed as "Confirmed" on the Social Career portal/app.

2. [HMAW1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 3 hours, you must attend the registered sessions in full and miss no more than 10 mins.

3. Upon completion of the service, the actual service hours will be subjected to the confirmation of the partner association.

4. Enquiry:

HKUST Connect
Habits, Mindsets, & Wellness Programs