ECE Seminar - Hands-on Mathematical Science and Technology

4:30pm - 5:30pm
Room 4472 (lift 25/26), Academic Building, HKUST

Abstract:  The University of Electronic Science & Technology of China (UESTC) is building a mini theme park on mathematical science & technology. Visitors to the park will interact hands-on with mathematics. All institutions are welcome to collaborate with UESTC in the reproduction, refinement, and expansion of the park. So far, items in the park are extracted from the electronic book “Windows of Math” (in Chinese) available online at:

The present talk previews selected items, as time allows:


  • Mathematical rigor by 麻将
  • Poetry by classical AI
  • Mechanics of swing balls
  • Randomization
  • Random fractal
  • Silent communications
  • Grass is greener on the other side of the fence
  • Linear difference equations
  • Martingales of patterns
  • Fermat pseudo-primes, etc.
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Hyperboloid of one sheet
  • Card shuffle & shuffle exchange
  • Fast division routines
  • Network coding/decoding
  • Topological embeddings
  • 4- & 6-way fabric pattern repeats
  • Hardware computation
  • Mathematical rigor by 麻将
  • Poetry by classical AI
  • Mechanics of swing balls
  • Randomization
  • Random fractal
  • Silent communications
  • Grass is greener on the other side of the fence
  • Linear difference equations








講者/ 表演者:
Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert LI, Distinguished University Professor
University of Electronic Science & Technology of China

Prof. LI is the founder of network coding theory, algebraic switching theory, and martingales of patterns. Now the Distinguished University Professor and Director of Li Institute of Mathematical Technology at UESTC, he is also an Honorary Professor at Xidian University, Harbin Engineering University, Southwest Jiaotong University, and Xiamen University. He holds 35 US patents. He taught at MIT, UI Chicago, and CUHK during 1974-2014 and received various awards from IEEE, ACM, The Chinese Institute of Electronics, and ITRI. Along with the lifetime endeavour of bridging between mathematics and engineering, he currently advocates 科教文藝 with a series of electronic books.
