EC Bingo X Giveaways (AirPods Pro, Haagen Dazs Gift Vouchers, EC Gifts) & Upcoming Offers

12:00am - 11:59am

Welcome, and welcome back, to the HKUST community!

As the new academic year begins, we are excited to continue to support and enrich your university journey with an array of learning experiences, opportunities and resources. Come explore our upcoming offers and support for a chance to win AirPods Pro, Haagen Dazs Gift Voucher and EC gifts exclusively offered from 7 to 30 Sept 2020

3 Steps for a Chance to Win the Above:

1. Download EC app and CAS login (Android / IOS) & follow EC Instagram (#hkustentrepreneurshipcenter)
2. Play EC Bingo (available on EC IG), post it on IG story & tag 5 HKUST friends (students/ staff/ alumni)
3. Screen-cap IG story & EC app successful login; inbox the screenshots with your name and SID  to EC IG

(Click to enlarge)

EC Bingo



1. All students who have completed the above will enter the lucky draw for Haagen-Dazs gift vouchers. (Quota: 50)
2. First 50 students every day (from 7 to 30 Sept 2020; subject to the actual receipt time of IG inbox message) will enter the lucky draw for AirPods Pro.
3. Those who have completed the above but have not won AirPods Pro/Haagen Dazs gift vouchers will receive an EC gift, subject to stock available.
4. Each eligible student is entitled to enter the above lucky draws and receive the above gift(s) once only.
5. Repeat completion of the above tasks and submissions from the same student will not be considered.

Lucky Draws and Gifts:

1. Lucky draw results will be announced via IG and all gift recipients will be notified of the arrangement of gift pick-up/ delivery via email on 2 Oct 2020 (Fri.)

Learn More About EC and Upcoming Offers:

Check out our latest introduction leaflet (2020-2021) to learn more about EC!


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