Data Science and Analytics Thrust Seminar | Towards Reliable AI in Medical Imaging: Cross-Domain Generalization and Multi-Modal Robustness

9:30am - 10:30am
Zoom ID: 933 6121 8393, Passcode: dsat

Medical imaging has been an indispensable pillar of modern healthcare for accurate disease diagnosis and improved treatment. Cutting-edge AI techniques, such as deep learning, are opening new doors to intelligent and precise medical image analysis for next-generation healthcare. While deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success in various medical image computing tasks, the generalization and robustness of DNNs are often challenged by the data heterogeneity and multi-modal nature of medical images in complex real-world scenarios. Such limitations hinder the wide application of deep models in clinical practice. In this talk, I will present my interdisciplinary research on exploring reliable AI models in medical imaging from three perspectives, i.e., unsupervised domain adaptation, privacy-preserving domain generalization, and robust multi-modal learning. To tackle these challenging topics, a variety of deep learning techniques will be covered, including meta learning, federated learning, feature disentanglement, adversarial learning, knowledge distillation, etc. The up-to-date progress and promising future directions of building reliable AI models will also be discussed.

講者/ 表演者:
Cheng Chen
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Cheng CHEN is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has had training in both computer science and biomedical engineering during her Ph.D. at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, master’s study at Johns Hopkins University, and bachelor’s study at Zhejiang University. She also had industry experience at Philips Research. Her research interests lie in the development of advanced deep learning methods with applications in medical image analysis. She has won MICCAI international Federated Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge, AAAI Scholarship, and MICCAI Travel Award. She serves as Associate Editor of Frontiers in Radiology, PC of AAAI’21-22, ICML’21 workshop and ICCV’21 workshop, and Reviewer of top conferences and journals such as CVPR, MICCAI, IEEE-TPAMI, IEEE-TMI, Medical Image Analysis, etc. Her current Google Scholar citation reaches 900+ with h-index 10.

Data Science and Analytics Thrust, HKUST(GZ)