Call for Proposals - Batch 5 R&D Projects of HKUST-Bright Dream Robotics Joint Research Institute (HBJRI) 

HKUST-Bright Dream Robotics Joint Research Institute cordially invites HKUST faculty to express interest to below pre-defined research topics released by the Guangdong Bright Dream Robotics Co. Ltd. (BDR).

  1. AGV 底盘稳定性自调整技术研究
    Research on Self-Adjusting Technology for AGV Chassis Stability

  2. 电机参数辨识与自整定控制策略研究
    Research on Motor Parameters Identification and Self-tuning Control

  3. 基于某种特定点位图的机器人最优路径规划方法
    Optimal Path Planning Method for Robots based on Specific Point Map

  4. 焊接梁柱钢筋笼构件性能研究
    Research on Performance of Welding of Beam Column and Reinforcement Cage Component

  5. 焊接箍筋的钢筋加工损伤研究
    Research on Damage of Welding Stirrup in Rebar Processing

  6. 拉筋焊接剪力墙构件性能研究
    Research on Performance of Welding Reinforced Shear Wall Component

  7. 点云无损压缩研究
    Research on Point Cloud Data Lossless Compression

  8. 用于建筑机器人金属零部件的高耐磨、高防腐、超疏水自清洁表面
    Application of High Wear-Resistant, High Anit-Corrosion and Ultra-hydrophobic Self-cleaning Surface on Building Robots’ Metal Component

  9. FRCC免拆模板作为钢筋保护层参与结构受力的研究
    Research on FRCC Permanent Form as Protective Layers of Reinforced Steel Involved in Structural Stress

  10. BIM数据标准体系研究与应用
    Research and Application on BIM Data Standards System

  11. 面向自然语言标准规范的BIM智能审核系统
    BIM Intelligent Auditing System based on Standard Regulations in Natural Language

  12. 墙纸拼接及阴阳角铺贴关键技术开发
    Development of Key Technologies for Wallpaper Stitching and External/Internal Corner (“Yin-Yang” Corner) Paving

  13. 混凝土施工工艺、材料特性及控制参数研究
    Research on Construction Technique, Material Characteristics and Control Parameters of Concrete

  14. 新材料模块化建筑体系研究
    Research on New Material Modular Building System

Remarks: English versions of the topics are for reference only. In case of discrepancies, the Simplified Chinese version shall prevail.

Details of research topics (released by BDR)
Available upon expression of interest

Project Duration
~ 1 year (including R&D and acceptance testing)

~ HK$2 - 3.5 million per project   (depending on project nature and duration)

Application Procedure
- Faculty express their interest by contacting HBJRI via Details of the projects will then be released to those who show interest.
- HBJRI will facilitate communication between HKUST faculty and BDR R&D teams on the project’s research direction and technical specifications
- Faculty can then submit a full proposal for panel selection and review after confirming contents with BDR R&D team.

Due Date of Expression of Interest
20 Nov 2020 or until the project is granted

Annie Kong (Email: , Tel: +852 2358 8368)
Jimmy Lam (Email: , Tel: +852 3469 2573)

About Guangdong Bright Dream Robotics Co. Ltd. (BDR)
Founded by Mr Yeung Kwok-Keung in 1992, Country Garden is a listed company in Hong Kong which has grown to become one of the Fortune Global 500s - an authoritative global company ranking.  Expanding its business to innovation and technology, Mr Yeung established BDR in July 2018.  BDR focuses on developing core robotics technologies and intelligent manufacturing through research and development on the autonomous systems, Internet of Things, AI, cloud computing, and big data platform, for ready deploying into various areas, such as construction, restaurant, smart community/living, smart agriculture, etc.

About HKUST-Bright Dream Robotics Joint Research Institute (HBJRI)
HBJRI has been established as a unique platform to strengthen the collaboration between University and Industry in research innovation and talent development, with focus on mutually interested areas including construction, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, smart cities and smart living, thus supporting the transition of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area into a knowledge-based economy through the development and commercialisation in innovation and technology.


HKUST-BDR Joint Research Institute

2025年 三月
