APRU Mini-certificate in Health Research Ethics

9:00am - 11:15am

The APRU Global Health Mini Certificate in Health Research Ethics is a free virtual and interactive training designed for students with limited backgrounds in research ethics. Join students from around the world to develop competencies to conduct ethical health research.

The course includes lectures taught in English by six world-renowned bioethicists as speakers plus 30 experts to facilitate breakout sessions and small group discussions on case studies, with self-paced online homework.


Proper training in the conduct of ethics involved in medical and health research with human subjects is to ensuring that students conduct research ethically. However, some universities in the Asia-Pacific region do not incorporate ethics training as part of their public health curricula. Meanwhile, the pandemic has forced most of the world’s higher education institutions to conduct teaching, research, and learning activities remotely. 

This mini certificate training is offered by the APRU Global Health Working Group on Bioethics.

Learning Objectives

  • Outline the main principles that guide the ethical conduct of research with human subjects
  • Describe some of the historical cases of unethical research with human subjects which have led to the need for more human subject protection.
  • Explain the importance of community participation in health research
  • Analyze real-world cases of ethical challenges in health research
  • Describe best practices in ethical health research and practice to protect human subjects
  • Identify major documents, protocol and systems in place to ensure adherence to ethical principles in health research.
  • Discuss the function of IRB/RECs
讲者/ 表演者:
Prof. Angus Dawson
National University of Singapore, Singapore
讲者/ 表演者:
Prof. Monique Jonas
University of Auckland, New Zealand
讲者/ 表演者:
Prof. Ricardo Alfonso Peña Silva
Universidad de los Andes, Chile
讲者/ 表演者:
Dr. Bridget Haire
University of New South Wales, Australia
讲者/ 表演者:
Prof. Umah Rani Kuppusamy
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
讲者/ 表演者:
Dr. Mary Ana Cordero Díaz
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
工学院 代表 the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)