[SIE Fund] Innovator Farm Info Session @ HKUST
You are not alone on the journey of Social Entrepreneurship. Innovator Farm is now calling for funding application, you will have an opportunity to receive start-up fund ranging from HKD 300,000 to over HKD 2 million, as well as mentorship, cross sector network and various forms of support to help you to cross the "valley of death" and develop sustainable and impactful social innovation projects! Come join us to explore more!
Date: 1 June 2023 (Thur)
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Venue: HKUST, The BASE (1/F, Lift 29-30)
Register now: https://ec.hkust.edu.hk/news/sie-fund-innovator-farm-now-calling-funding-applications
For more information: https://www.if-program.hk/
Event Format
Recommended For
UG students
PG students
Faculty and staff
More Information
Entrepreneurship Center