IoT Thrust Seminar | Near-Bufferless Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Video Streaming

10:30am - 11:30am
Offline Venue: E1-102;Zoom ID: 931 1902 1331, Passcode: iott

Ultra-low latency video streaming is increasingly popular nowadays, from videoconferencing and cloud gaming to virtual reality and remote driving. However, these interactive video streaming applications require ultra-low and consistent latency to ensure the interactive experience, which challenges how the sender transmits packets to the receiver nowadays. My research rethinks the latency at all the components in the end-to-end delivery pipeline in interactive video streaming, and tries to understand what we should do to enable the wide deployment of these applications.

Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Dr. Zili Meng

Zili Meng is an assistant professor at HKUST. He received his B.Eng. (Hons) and Ph.D. (Hons) from Tsinghua University. His current research interest focuses on ultra-low latency video streaming from all layers. He actively publishes in SIGCOMM/NSDI. He is also the recipient of Doctoral Dissertation Awards from ACM China and Chinese Institute of Electronics and multiple paper awards.

Recommended For
Faculty and staff
PG students
UG students
Internet of Things Thrust, HKUST(GZ)
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