IoT Thrust Seminar | Construction, Deployment, and Application of Human Digital Twin for Human-Centric Services
The upcoming 6G witnesses a pivotal transformation - shifting the spotlight from service providers to service recipients and emphasizing human-centric service with a focus on quality of experience (QoE). Delivering such human-centric services necessitates a profound understanding of human needs and a new approach to integrating humans into the service provisioning loop. Drawing inspiration from the recent advancements in digital twin technology within Industry 4.0, this presentation introduces a novel concept called Human Digital Twin (HDT), which constructs digital profiles for individual human being, fostering personalized research and services. We will delineate the conceptual framework, network architecture, and key technologies underpinning HDT, with a spotlight on its application in personalized healthcare. Through three compelling case studies, we explore three pillars in HDT research: construction, deployment, and application, unveiling its transformative potential. Finally, we chart future research trajectories, envisioning a horizon where HDT reshapes the fabric of human-centric services in the 6G era and beyond.
Jun Cai received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2004. From 2004 to 2006, he was a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Post-Doctoral Fellow with McMaster University, Canada. From 2006 to 2018, he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada, where he was a Full Professor and the NSERC Industrial Research Chair. In 2019, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Canada, as a Full Professor and the PERFORM Research Chair. His current research interests include human digital twin, distributed learning, edge/fog computing, eHealth, radio resource management in wireless communications networks, and performance analysis. He served on the editorial board for IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Systems Journal, IET Communications, and Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. He also served as the General Chair for 2023 Biennial Symposium on Communications, the Technical Program Committee (TPC) Co-Chair for IEEE GreenCom 2018, and the Track/Symposium TPC Co-Chair for IEEE VTC 2019, IEEE CCECE 2017, IEEE VTC 2012, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, and IWCMC 2008.