HKUST Summer Festival 2024 - Music Lab Festival X HKUST: KJ WONG Solo Bach & Mozart + GMO x UPO Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1, 3

7:45pm - 10:00pm
Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium

Music Lab Festival 2024 returns after 6 years break! The festival 2024, led by three Music Lab Co-Artistic Directors KJ Wong, Cy Leo and Joyce Cheung, brings together The Hong Kong's acclaimed musicians under the theme OriginalExcellence. From May to July, the festival will present six exciting, original, classical and modern-style concerts.

The festival is adding an extra outreach performance, featuring pianist KJ Wong, who will be joined by musicians of the Gustav Mahler Orchestra and the University Philharmonic Orchestra at HKUSTSU. They will be performing Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 1 and No. 3 at the Shaw Auditorium of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on June 12. KJ will self-conduct and perform with the orchestra in this concert! He will also perform selected piano solo pieces from his latest solo album “Mostly Bach, All Mozart”.


本地薑音樂節2024事隔六年正式回歸!今年音樂節由三位Music Lab聯合藝術總監KJ黃家正、何卓彥 (Cy Leo) 和張貝芝 (Joyce Cheung) 帶領,聯合香港最頂尖之樂手們以「Original.Excellence」為主題重新出發,於五月至七月呈獻六場精彩原創古典、爵士音樂會。

音樂節加開節目,鋼琴家KJ黃家正將聯同馬勒樂團和香港科技大學學生會管弦樂團的樂手,於6月12號在香港科技大學逸夫演藝中心演奏貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲第和第號,並由 KJ 親自指揮和彈奏!KJ亦會演奏其最新專輯《全心巴哈,全意莫札特》中的精選鋼琴獨奏作品。



Due to program changes, the original performance of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 2 and No. 3 will be changed to Piano Concerto No. 1 and No. 3. Please take note of this notification.


Program duration is approximately 2 hours, with 15 minutes intermission.
The audience is recommended to arrive 15 minutes before the performance starts. 
Latecomers will only be admitted at a suitable break.
The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program, performers and seating arrangement. In case of a dispute, the decision of the organizer shall be final.


TICKETING 購票: Click Here
TICKET PRICE 票價: $300 / $150*

Free seating 不設劃位

*50% off for full-time students, citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, and CSSA recipients) on standard price. 
The organizer reserves the right to request proof of eligibility from concessionary ticket holders upon admission.






  • Audience of age 6 or above are welcome.
  • Audience is strongly advised to arrive punctually. Latecomers will only be admitted at a suitable break.
  • Presenter reserves the right to change the program and artists without prior notice.
  • Admission is by ticket; each ticket admits one person only. 
  • The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program, performers and seating arrangement. In case of a dispute, the decision of the organizer shall be final.
Event Format
Speakers / Performers:

WONG Ka Jeng

Speakers / Performers:

Gustav Mahler Orchestra (GMO)

More Information

Location & Transport



The University allows hourly parking for non-registered visitors' vehicles during weekends and public holidays. For more information, please visit the website

Shaw Auditorium Unit
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