HKUST Daoism Workshop
12:30pm - 06:15pm
Room 7332, Academic Building, 7/F (Lift no. 13-15)
12:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Chair: Eric S Nelson (HKUST)
Manhua Li (Royal Holloway London), "Cultivating Capacities (de): Nourishing Life as a Contemporary Feminism"
Tobias Benedikt Zürn (HKUST), “Reading Texts as Bodies: Object Agency in the Age of Human Empowerment”
Bony Schachter (PolyU), “Daoism and kingship”
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Chair: Justin Tiwald (HKU)
David Chai (CUHK), "Zhuangzi and the Meontological Nature of Friendship"
Jenny Hung (HKUST), "Yangist egoism, egoistic concern, and the self"
4:45 pm - 6:15 pm
Chair: Jim Behuniak (Colby College / CUHK)
Wai Wai Chiu (Lingnan University), "Primitivists' view of knowledge and the possibility of restoring xing"
Andrej Fech (HKBU), "Wenzi's Interpretation of the Laozi"
Event Format
Recommended For
UG students
PG students
Faculty and staff
More Information
Division of Humanities