HKUST Cantonese Opera Forum 2023 The Sustainability of Cantonese Opera Heritage: New Plays and New Audience 香港粵劇的承傳:新創劇目及年青觀衆的拓展
Cantonese opera has picked up its momentum to once again flourish in Hong Kong in the post-Covid period, featuring non-stop performances with a large number of young artists joining the veterans, and numerous newly created works. Yet commentators have noticed the controversies aroused by some of the new plays and are alerted by the scarcity of young members of the audience. The present forum, which is open to the public, aims to facilitate exchanges among playwrights, directors, producers, actors, enthusiasts and researchers on issues essential to the sustainability of Cantonese opera.
Date 日期:Nov 29, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time 時間:6:30 PM
Venue 地點:CMA Lecture Theatre L (LT-L), HKUST 香港科技大學 香港中華廠商聯合會演講廳
Language 語言:Cantonese 廣東話
Keynote Speakers 主講人
- Mr. Shin Kei-yin (冼杞然導演), director of film and Cantonese opera
- Mr. Rex Ng Kwok-leung (吳國亮先生), playwright, director and producer
- Ms. Man Wah (文華小姐), actor and playwright
- Ms. Tu Wing-sum (杜詠心小姐), actor and playwright
Moderator 主持人
Prof. Chan Sau-yan (陳守仁教授), Adjunct Professor, Chinese University of HK
- Free admission with registration.
- For HKUST members, Friends of HKUST, and invited guests only.
- Online registration is required; each registration admits one person regardless of age
- Please arrive 15 minutes before the show time.
- Age Limit: Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.
年齡限制: 6歲以下恕不招待
- The organizer reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes to the event program without prior notice.
Adjunct Professor, Chinese University of HK (chief project coordinator)
director of film and Cantonese opera
producer and director
producer and director
actor and playwright
actor and playwright