HKUST Arts for Fall 2024 -  “Classics” from the Classical Period 古典時期的經典

7:30pm - 9:00pm
Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium

Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra is going to bring you an evening of profound musical mastery with three exquisite works from the Classical period! Mozart's "Overture to the Magic Flute" offers a captivating introduction to his opera, blending intricate melodies and harmonies that transport listeners to enchantment and fantasy. This piece exemplifies the elegance and precision that define Mozart's style. Beethoven's "Octet for Winds in E-flat Major, Op. 103" highlights his innovative approach to wind instrumentation, creating a rich dialogue among the musicians. It showcases Beethoven’s early experimentation with form and texture, providing a glimpse into his evolving genius. Haydn’s "Symphony No. 82 in C Major, 'L’Ours'" is a dynamic and spirited work renowned for its lively finale that evokes the imagery of a dancing bear. This symphony demonstrates Haydn’s mastery of orchestral color and ability to infuse humor into his compositions. Together, these pieces exemplify the clarity, balance, and form that define the Classical period, showcasing the brilliance of their composers and offering an inspiring and immersive journey through the classical repertoire.

Join us for a vibrant music celebration where you can explore the rich historical context of the music through engaging explanations. Register for free to secure your spot and enjoy a night filled with fantastic performances.





*The event is funded by the Home Affairs Department.


    Online Registration 網上登記

    Click HERE


    Program 節目: 

    • Mozart: Overture to the Magic Flute, K. 620  莫扎特 -《魔笛》序曲
    • Beethoven: Octet for Winds in E-flat Major, Op. 103  貝多芬 - 降E大調木管八重奏
    • Haydn: Symphony No. 82 in C Major, “L’Ours” Hob. I:82  海頓 - C大調第82號交響曲,「熊」


    The program duration is approximately 70 minutes without intermission.



    Conductor 指揮 

    Tam Wing-Kai Harty

    Tam Wing Kai Harty has served as the music director and conductor of the Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra since 2016. She is also the founder of the New Hong Kong Philharmonia and currently the music director of the renowned Baroque music ensemble, NHKP Baroque Chamber Orchestra, in Hong Kong.

    In June 2024, Tam collaborated with musicians from the Divertimento Orchestra in Seine-Saint-Denis to perform a concert sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Educational Trust Fund. In July 2024, she was invited by Emilia Romagna Concerti to lead a concert tour with the New Hong Kong Philharmonia in Ravenna, Italy. Her experience also includes performances with the Bern Symphony Orchestra in Switzerland, the Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Sokola Symphony Orchestra of Brno in the Czech Republic.

    Tam has been invited to conduct at notable events, including the Festival Musicale nel Comune di Morigerati e Sicili in 2018 and the Scuola Italiana d’Archi International Music Masterclasses in Mantua in 2019.

    An orchestral conducting graduate of Hochschule der Künste Bern in Switzerland, she has studied conducting with esteemed mentors such as Prof. Dominique Roggen, Prof. Gustav Meier, Tomáš Netopil, Prof. Donald Schleicher, and Kirk Trevor.

    In addition to her conducting career, Tam is an active double bassist, performing regularly with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. She studied performance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the San Francisco Conservatory in the United States and has served as a Resident Artist at the British Isles Music Festival in the U.K. During the summer, she hosts international masterclasses in Italy.

    Tam is also a passionate music educator, serving as the Director of the Hong Kong Youth Music Festival since 2019. She collaborates with world-class musicians and professors with a mission to encourage the development of young and talented musicians.



    譚泳佳從2016年起擔任香港室樂團的音樂總監及指揮,她亦是New Hong Kong Philharmonia的創辦人及香港著名巴洛克音樂樂團NHKP Baroque Chamber Orchestra 的音樂總監。

    今年6月,譚泳佳被邀請與來自法國塞納聖丹尼區的Divertimento樂團音樂家合作,在香港演出了一場由香港賽馬會教育信託基金贊助的音樂會。於7月,她帶領NHKP Baroque Chamber Orchestra 在意大利拉文納市進行了五場不同的音樂會巡演。另外她也曾與瑞士伯爾尼交響樂團、博胡斯拉夫·馬丁努交響樂團和捷克布爾諾的索科拉交響樂團合作。

    譚泳佳曾受邀在意大利兩個音樂節中擔任指揮,包括2018年的Morigerati e Sicili音樂節和2019年在曼圖瓦舉辦的意大利弦樂國際音樂大師班。

    譚氏畢業於瑞士伯爾尼藝術學院的管弦樂指揮專業,師承Dominique Roggen教授、Gustav Meier教授、Tomáš Netopil、Donald Schleicher教授和Kirk Trevor。




    Orchestra 樂團

    The Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra was established in 1976 as a not-for-profit organization by a group of international musicians living in Hong Kong. Nowadays the players consist of professional musicians graduated from local and overseas music academies and universities, professional music teachers and experienced musicians. They all volunteer their time and effort to enhance the opportunities to engage in playing and listening to music in the local community.

    香港室樂團是由一群居港的外籍音樂演奏者於一九七六年創立。 時至今日,樂團成員已包括本地和外國主修音樂演奏的專業樂手、專業音樂老師和有豐富經驗的樂手。 作為一個非牟利團體,樂團致力推動普及本地音樂文化。香港室樂團常在經費許可下舉辨小型免費音樂會; 在沒有票房壓力的情況下,樂手亦能演奏悦耳卻又不常接觸的曲目。


    REMARKS 備註

    • Free admission
    • Online registration is required.


    • Please arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the showtime.
    • Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.



    • Free seating on first-come-first-served basis.
    • No food or drink is allowed.
    • Unauthorized photo-taking, audio or video recording is strictly prohibited.

    • Late-comers will be admitted only if there is a suitable break in the performance.
    • The organizer reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programs, seating arrangement and audience capacity.
    Event Format
    Speakers / Performers:
    指揮 Conductor : 譚泳佳 Tam Wing-Kai Harty
    香港室樂團 Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra
    Speakers / Performers:
    主持 Moderator : 羅崇敏 Yvonne Lo
    Recommended For
    Faculty and staff
    General public
    HKUST Family
    PG students
    UG students
    More Information

    Location & Transport



    The University allows hourly parking for non-registered visitors' vehicles during weekends and public holidays. For more information, please visit the website

    Shaw Auditorium Unit
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