Guest Seminar - Catalysis enabled by operando spectroscopy: from fundamental understanding to innovative materials

9:00am - 10:00am
Room 4504 (Lift 25-26)

Heterogeneous catalysis is of prominent importance for modern society. For example, the Fe catalysed NH3 synthesis process provides nitrogen fertilizers that lead to food production for at least half of the world’s population. It is even more important in the circular economy, providing process solutions for future energy conversion, fuel production, and waste recycling. Yet the understanding of reaction mechanisms is still limited due to the complexity of surface catalytic systems and the lack of characterization methods to directly observe surface process under working conditions.

In this talk, I will introduce new experimental designs to utilize synchrotron X-rays and X-ray free electron laser based operando spectroscopy to identify active centres and rate determine steps, which leads to the development and synthesis of novel materials that have significantly improved catalytic performance. I will present three novel operando methods:

  1. Rate determination in half-reactions with quick time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy for identification of rate determining step in redox catalysis.
  2. Measuring dynamics of elementary electron transfer from support to metal active site at fs to ps time scale, help to shoot the molecular movie of a single catalytic process.
  3. Experimental validation of the d-band theory and direct measurement of bond energy via X-ray elastic scattering techniques.

With these first-time observations, we have been able to develop new catalysts with 5-100 times better performances than those in existing reports for emission control, H2 production, and fuel cell applications. Our new operando X-ray methods have been used beyond catalysis to energy storage and conversion systems. Such innovation has great potential in wide engineering applications.

Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Prof. Feng Ryan WANG

Dr. Ryan Wang obtained his PhD in Chemistry from Peking University in 2012. He was an Alexander von Humboldt researcher in Max Planck Institute for coal research in Germany between2012 and 2015. He joined the Chemical Engineering Department of UCL as a Lecturer in January 2016, and Associate Professor in 2021. His research has been summarized into 45 publications and 2 patent, (, 3039 citations, h-index 20). He is the awardee of the Young Scientist Prize of the International Association of Catalysis Societiesin 2016. He is the member of the Early Career Advisory Board of Journal ChemCatChem and the member of the EPSRC SAT team in capitcal equipments.


Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
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