EVMT + SGFN Green Finance Speaker Series 2021-22 - Green monetary policies and Green financial policies

6:00pm - 7:20pm
Online via Zoom

Why should central banks and financial supervisors worry about climate change and decarbonization? And how are they supposed to act upon them? The lecture will present the ongoing academic and policy debate around the role of monetary policy and financial regulation in supporting a smooth transition to a low-carbon economy.

Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Prof. Emanuele Campiglio
Associate Professor at University of Bologna & Affiliated Scientist at RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment
Recommended For
UG students
Division of Environment and Sustainability
School of Business and Management

Prof. Keith CHAN

Phone: 3469-2968

Email: keithchan@ust.hk

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