Energy in Transition - Powering Tomorrow Exhibition and Sharing

11:00am - 10:00pm
Exhibition: Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LTB); Sharing: Rm 1103, 1/F, Academic Building (Near LTA), HKUST
Speakers / Performers:
Stefan Bredohl, Consul General of Germany in Hong Kong

Energy transition is a global and common challenge, but it also offers opportunities. Driving the energy transition forward in a sustainable way requires further research as well as intensive dialogue with society. Presented by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Hong Kong, and jointly organized by the HKUST Energy Institute, the Exhibition and Special Sharing Session entitled “Energy in Transition – Powering Tomorrow” will be held on HKUST campus, with details below:


Exhibition Period: 16 – 19 Sept 2024

Venue:   Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LTB)

                Chia-Wei Woo Academic Concourse, HKUST


On 17 Sept (Tue), Stefan Bredohl, the Consul General of Germany in Hong Kong, will give a special sharing about the overview of the importance and roadmap of energy transition in Germany. The sharing will be concluded with a Q&A session and exchange with members of HKUST community. Don’t miss the exclusive opportunity to meet CG Bredohl.


A Special Sharing Session by Stefan Bredohl, Consul General of Germany in Hong Kong: 17 Sept 2024 (Tue)

Time:      2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Venue:   Room 1103, 1/F, Academic Building (Near LTA), HKUST


Seats are limited - RSVP at this link now!


This is a HMAW1905-recognized event in the “Personal Enrichment & Community Service” category under the "Self-directed Experience" of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 1 hours, you must attend the sharing session in full and miss no more than 5 mins.

Recommended For
Faculty and staff
PG students
UG students
HKUST Energy Institute on behalf of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Hong Kong
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