ECEAA Expert Talk series - IoT Technology and Opportunities
Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Ernest LO
Chairman of Hong Kong IoT Alliance (IOTA)
Founder & CEO of Future Impact Lab, gathered few like-minds from Google and HP to start an innovation venture tackling commercial, social, and humanity issues. Prior to that, Ernest was the CEO at the Hong Kong Office of a European Telecom R&D Institution working on Smart City projects. Ernest was a Croucher Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University and recipient of few IEEE R&D Awards from USA and Europe. He is on the Steering Committee of Smart IoT Hong Kong 2017, and was the Advisor of 2015 Global Urban Datafest Hackathon (Shenzhen Chapter), Liaison Chair of 2014 European Wireless Conference, Chairman of 2014 Future Cities Asia Conference, etc.
Recommended For
Faculty and staff
PG students
UG students
Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering on behalf of ECE Alumni Association