DSA Thrust Webinar-Imaging from Signal: Fine-grained Wireless Sensing

Wireless systems have been ubiquitously deployed. Besides the basic communication functions, the sensing ability of these systems is increasingly attractive. With wireless signals, such as mmWave, WiFi, and ultrasound, we can detect the targets and capture crucial information, including their locations, poses, behaviors, or even their internal structures and compositions. The so-called wireless sensing exhibits many advantages, including non-intrusiveness, through-wall-detection, and device-independence. However, the granularity of existing wireless sensing approaches remains coarse. In this talk, I will introduce our experience in achieving fine-grained wireless sensing, e.g., imaging human faces via mmWave and RF signals, as well as the challenges, solutions and future directions in this topic.

Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Prof HAN, Jinsong
Zhejiang University

Jinsong Han is currently a professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His work focuses on IoT security, smart sensing, wireless and mobile computing. He has published over 70 innovative works in highly ranked journals (TON, TMC, TKDE, etc.) and top-tier conference proceedings (ACM CCS, MobiCom, UbiComp, Sensys, IEEE INFOCOM, ICNP, etc.). He received the Best Paper Awards of 2019 IEEE INFOCOM and 2019 GLOBECOM, Best Paper Candidate Awards of 2021 IEEE INFOCOM and ACM SenSys, 2018 ACM Xi'an Best Supervisor Award, and Prominent Teacher Award of Computer Science in Chinese Colleges and Universities. He was the winner of Hong Kong ICT Awards - Best Innovation & Research Award (Silver Award).

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Data Science and Analytics Thrust, HKUST(GZ)
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