Data Science and Analytics Webinar Series 2021 - Practicing the Art of Data Science

12:00pm - 12:50pm
Online via Zoom (Link to be provided upon registration)

Data science embraces interdisciplinary methodologies and tools, such as those in statistics, artificial intelligence/machine learning, data management, algorithms, computation and economics. Practicing data science to empower innovative applications, however, remains an art due to many factors beyond technology, such as sophistication of application scenarios, business demands, and the central role of human being in the loop. In this talk, I will share with the audience some experience and lessons I learned from my journey in data science research and development. First, I will illustrate the core value of building domain-oriented, end-to-end data science solutions that can help people gain new interpretable domain knowledge. Second, using network embedding as an example, I will demonstrate that the nature of data science practice is to connect challenges in vertical applications with general scientific principles and tools.  Last, I will advocate data supply chain, which connects data supply and consumption based on value of data and value-added services.

Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Prof. Jian Pei
Professor, Simon Fraser University

Dr. Jian Pei is working hard to facilitate efficient, fair, and sustainable usage of data and data analytics for social, economical and ecological good. Through inventing, implementing and deploying a series of data mining principles and methods, he produced remarkable values to academia and industry. His algorithms have been adopted by industry, open source toolkits and textbooks. His publications have been cited extensively. He is also an active and productive volunteer for professional community services, such as chairing ACM SIGKDD, running many premier academic conferences in his areas, and being editor-in-chief or associate editor for the flagship journals in his fields. He is recognized as a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (i.e., the national academy of Canada), the Canadian Academy of Engineering, ACM and IEEE.  He received a series of prestigious awards, such as the ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award, the ACM SIGKDD Service Award, and the IEEE ICDM Research Award.  Currently he is a full professor at Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Recommended For
Faculty and staff
General public
HKUST Family
PG students
UG students
HKUST Big Data Institute
HKUST (GZ) Data Science and Analytics (DSA) Thrust
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