CPEG Logo Design Competition (Event update)

12:00pm - 11:59pm

Computer Engineering (CPEG) is an inter-disciplinary program embraced and jointly run by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE).

The importance of the program is reflected from the names of our constituent departments, where the term "Computer Engineering" derives and the degree BEng(CPEG) distinctively shows that.

Computer Engineering has undergone revolutionary change over last decade with quantum leaps both in hardware and software; it is now time to renew our CPEG Logo to better reflect the state-of-the-art Computer Engineering.

We invite you to participate in our contest by submitting your logo design idea. It’s a fascinating period for CPEG and we hope to discover a logo that equally emphasize hardware and software. 

We will use the winning logo on CPEG’s website and publication materials.



The logo competition is open to all CPEG students, staff, and alumni.


Timeline (Update!)

Deadline is February 19, 2023 (Sun).  The winners will be announced by March 2023.



  1. Each participant may submit more than one design.
  1. All designs must be the original work of the participant.
  1. Each submission should be accompanied with a short description of the concept.
  1. Entries will become the property of CPEG and participants agree that CPEG may use them for publication, both printed and online.



Logo designs created in .jpeg, psd or PDF formats are acceptable; scalable vector formats (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign) are preferred.

All design should be submitted via this Online Form


Awards (Updated!)

Overall winner: HK$ 4,000

1st runner-up:  HK$ 3,000

2nd runner-up: HK$ 2,000



Please contact us at email (ustcpeg@ust.hk) if you have questions.

Event Format
Recommended For
UG students
PG students
Faculty and staff
HKUST Family
General public
SENG UG Computer Engineering Program
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