About The Forum
The mission of the Climate, Weather and Water Forum (CWWF) is to facilitate an annual dialog among scientists, engineers, students, public and private enterprises and government entities on pressing issues related to climate change, weather extremes, water availability, and sustainability. We aim to:
- To address the changing Climate
- To prepare for extreme Weather
- To preserve depleting Water
- To build a sustainable Future
Topic: The imbalance of the Asian water tower
Topic: Water and Sustainability: New Insights from Big Data and AI
Topic: Improving Reservoir Operations for Human and Nature’s Wellbeing through Data-Driven, Interdisciplinary Studies
Topic: Research and Application of Meteorology for Renewable Energy under Carbon Neutrality Goals
Topic: Carbon capture and carbon removal at large industrial projects and rural farm and industry projects in Scotland and the UK
Topic: Why so many double and triple La Niña events emerged recently
Topic: Advancing Tropical Cyclone Observations, Research, and Prediction and its Relevance in a Changing Climate
Topic: Real-time adaptation to climate variability and change using Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts of high impact weather
Topic: Use of Machine Deep Learning for Climate Forecasts
Telephone: +852 2358 7177