CBE Friday, March 28th Get-Together - Industry Engagement cum Alumni Day

4:00pm - 7:10pm
Engineering Commons, Lift 27/28, 2/F, Academic Concourse, HKUST

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) warmly invites all of our students, faculty members, and alumni, from both CBE and the School of Engineering (SENG), to a special Friday Get-Together featuring the Industry-Connect-University Fireside Chat. This event presents a fantastic opportunity to network with industry leaders, faculty, alumni, and students, exploring innovative topics and solutions for sustainable energy, materials, and the environment that will shape our future.

Don't miss this great opportunity to share ideas and make new friends!

Lab Visit and Demo

Target Audience


Meet at Door A of Shaw Auditorium

IEC Members
CBE Industry Partners, alumni

4:10pm – 4:40pm

Visit to Food Technology Lab, CYT2007

4:40pm – 5:10pm

Visit to Hydrogen lab, CYT4007


Target Audience


Reception opens at Engineering Commons, 2/F Academic Concourse near Lift 27/28

IEC Members,
CBE Industry Partners
ALL SENG Faculty, Alumni, and Students

5:15pm – 5:20pm

Welcome Speech by Associate Dean of Engineering (Strategic Planning and Development) Prof. George Yuan

5:20pm – 5:30pm

Introduction of CBE by Prof Minhua SHAO

5:30pm – 6:30pm

Fireside Chat
Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Energy, Materials, and Environment 
Speakers (in speaking order):

  • Jiadong GONG, Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, CATL International R&D Institute
  • Eddie LEE, Principal Environment Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR

Members for Panel discussion (in alphabetic order):

  • Jelan KUHN, Director of Regional Technology for Petrochemicals Asia-Pacific, BASF
  • Wenqing SUN, Director of Technology Operations, ExxonMobil Asia Pacific
  • Alfred WONG, Partner at Templewater
  • Zhuliang XU, Chairman of the Board, King Stone Energy Group

6:30pm – 7:10pm

  • Research showcase from Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
  • Mingling with Refreshment
Event Format
Recommended For
PG students
More Information


    Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
    School of Engineering (SENG)
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