'A Career away from Home' by SENG Alumnus

05:30pm - 06:30pm
Rm 2579, Engineering Commons

CALPA LIU, 2018 Graduate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, is a Systems Architect who ventured out into Canada and Mainland China for his career.  He will make a stop at Engineering Commons to share his journey with SENG fellows! 

Date: 21 Sep 2023 (Thu)
Time: 17:30 - 18:30
Venue: Rm 2579, Engineering Commons
Language: English
Target students: All SENG Students (DDP included)
No. of participants: 40 (first-come, first-served)

Registration: https://ust.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bwm4ISMt7ZNa1g2

Registration deadline: 9am on 18 Sep 2023 (Mon)



This is a HMAW1905-recognized event in the “Personal Enrichment & Community
Service” category under the "Self-directed Experience" of HMAW1905: Behavioral
Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 1
hour, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 mins. If you are more than 10 mins late/leave more than 10 mins early, you will not get the HMAW1905 hours.
Enquiry email: iei@ust.hk




Calpa Liu 是一位國內外軟體開發領域經驗豐富的系統架構師,他嫻熟運用現代化技術解決多元問題,擅長運用 TypeScript、React.js 及 Vue.js 開發具有響應式特性的現代網站應用。值得一提的是,他融合 aws-cdk + TypeScript 技術,以程式碼方式詮釋基礎架構,實現了基於雲端的「基礎即代碼」(Infrastructure as Code)部署策略,構建了多套高效能且具有可伸縮性的全端架構。


Calpa Liu 積極參與技術社群,他活躍於香港和台灣的開源社區,分享日積月累的前沿知識。他在香港開源大會 2019 中擔任重要講者,為聽眾提供寶貴的工作經驗和深刻見解。此外,他在 GitHub 上公開分享個人博客程式碼,累積超過 300 顆星星和 60 個分支,證明他在開源社群中所作出的具體貢獻,展現出他對技術分享和協作的深切承諾。

Recommended For
UG students
PG students
Center for Industry Engagement and Internship
Career Center
Habits, Mindsets, & Wellness Programs
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