Call for Proposals – Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong) 2022


The Healthy Longevity Global Competition (the Competition) is organised by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) of the United States.  Launched by the NAM in 2019, the Competition is a series of inducement awards and prizes to catalyse breakthrough innovations to improve people’s physical, mental, and social health and well-being as they age.  It includes three phases – the Catalyst Phase, the Accelerator Phase, and the Grand Prize Phase.  RGC collaborates with the NAM to conduct the Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong) 2022 (HLCA (HK) 2022) to give out awards for local researcher joining the Competition at its Catalyst Phase.  A total of 10 Catalyst Awards will be provided in the HLCA (HK) 2022. 


Applicants may submit ideas from any discipline that are innovative, impactful, and capable of extending health and function in any stages of the lifespan.  Awardees will be invited to present their ideas in an Innovator Summit and can apply for the Accelerator Phase and beyond. 


Selection Criteria

RGC will conduct Innovation Review and Subject Matter Expert Review for the proposals.  Creativity and innovation are the top-priority evaluation criteria in rating the proposals. 


For details on other topic areas under the Competition’s objectives and selection criteria, please prefer to its Call circular.


Funding Threshold

Each award includes a US$50,000 (approx. HK$389,000) cash prize and a travel subsidy (HK$30,000 per person; max. 6 persons per team) for awarded teams to attend an Innovator Summit, which will be organised by NAM for the winning teams to discuss their work with the fellow innovators, researchers, policymakers, and potential investors.


Institutional Quota

15 proposals

(internal selection will be arranged if applications received exceed the quota)


Application Procedure

Details please refer to RO website.


Internal Deadline

14 February 2022 (Monday) 



Ms Maggie Hui (Email:, Tel: 2358 6923)

Event Format
Recommended For
Faculty and staff
Research Office on behalf of Research Grants Council (RGC)

Ms Maggie Hui (Email:, Tel: 2358 6923)

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Campus organizations are invited to add their events to the calendar.