The 7th APRU Sustainable Cities & Landscapes Conference 2024
The 7th APRU Sustainable Cities & Landscapes Conference will take place in Manila, the Philippines on August 6-8, 2024.
This year, the Conference is organized together with the 3rd International Conference on Human Settlements Planning and Development (ICHSPD) by the Department of Community and Environmental Resource Planning – College of Human Ecology (DCERP-CHE) of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) in collaboration with the APRU Sustainable Cities & Landscapes Program.
All sessions will be physically presented.
With the theme “Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI),” discussions at the Conference will surround four sub-themes:
- SAFE – Creating safe and secure human settlements in the digital age
- INCLUSIVE – Building inclusive communities in anticipation of the 4th industrial revolution
- RESILIENT – Overcoming vulnerabilities for resilient communities and ecosystems
- SUSTAINABLE – Advancing efforts and innovations towards a sustainable future
Working Groups
The SCL Program uses a “working group” framework to produce actionable knowledge and plans from each annual conference. Rather than focusing on disseminating research that has already been completed, conferences focus on developing joint research collaboration that bridge multi-disciplinaries, and contributing towards finding solutions to the pressing problems of this century.
The Working Groups are:
- Urban Landscape Biodiversity
- Urban-Rural Linkages
- Sustainable Urban Design
- Smart Cities
- Transitions in Urban Waterfronts
- Water and Waste Management
- Future Energy Landscapes
- Vulnerable Resilient and Climate Justice Communities
- Civic Engagement and Community Design
- Landscape and Human Health
- Children Youth and Environments
- Food Nutrition Security
- Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom
An Expression of Interest to join the WGs is included in the Call for Participation. All participants (presenters and organized sessions) are required to select up to three WGs.
To know more about the WGs, please visit this webpage.
Call for Participation
We are now ready to accept abstracts (scientific, technical, policy, or development practices for oral or poster presentation) and proposals (training, workshop, scientific session, fora, etc.) for organized sessions and exhibits relevant to the Conference sub-themes.
The deadline for submission is March 31, 2024.
Submit your Abstract and Proposal
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstract should contain introduction, objectives, methods, highlights of results, conclusion and recommendation.
- This should be about 150 to 200 words with three to five key words.
- Selected abstracts will be requested to submit a full paper for consideration in a Special Issue of the Journal of Human Ecology and Sustainability (ISSN 3027-9100). Otherwise, it will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
Organized Session and Exhibit Guidelines
- Organized sessions are designed for a two-hour duration consisting of a group of papers or a thematic discussion/symposium.
- The organizer is responsible for the coordination of its presenters and participants.
- Exhibitors will be grouped on various themes and may include, but not limited to government offices, non-government organizations, knowledge and research institutes, consultants and contractors, national and international organizations among others.
Conference Secretariat at or (+63)9456646705