Sydney Seminar: Pioneering Smart Cities of Tomorrow with AI and Innovation

5:30pm - 7:00pm
Level 5, Hong Kong House, 80 Druitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

The future of smart cities hinges on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and innovation, revolutionizing urban landscapes into efficient and sustainable spaces. This seminar will explore the pioneering potential of AI and innovation in shaping the smart cities’ development. The event will also dive into the five GREAT attributes for smart cities development : Green, Resilient, Empowering, Adaptable, and Transformative.

JOIN US to unlock the immense possibilities of AI in building smarter, future-proof cities! 


The seminar is co-organized by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC).

Event Format
Speakers / Performers:
Prof Yike GUO
Provost & Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST


With the first-class honours degree in Computing Science from Tsinghua University and a PhD from Imperial College London, Prof Guo is a world-leading computer scientist specializing in machine learning and data mining for large-scale scientific applications for smart cities. He has collaborated with multinational firms such as GSK, Pfizer, Huawei,and KPMG on research projects and consulting services.


Prof Guo won the 2022 Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award for Outstanding Contribution Award, which is considered to be the highest honor in the field of intelligent science and technology in China.


Click here for Prof Guo’s bio.

Speakers / Performers:
Prof Hong K. LO
Dean of Engineering & Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering / Director of GREAT Smart Cities Institute, HKUST


Prof Lo is an accomplished scholar in intelligent transportation systems, smart cities, and sustainability. He serves as the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics and Managing Editor of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. He is also Director of the HKUST-MTR Joint Research Lab, leveraging AI and other technologies for transportation and urban mobility research. Professor Lo was awarded the prestigious Triennial World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) Prize and HKUST School of Engineering Research Excellence Award. 


Click here for Prof Lo’s bio.

Recommended For
General public
Office of the Vice-President for Institutional Advancement
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney
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