HKUST Belt and Road Forum - “Navigating New Frontiers: The Future of the Belt and Road Initiative”
The HKUST Belt and Road Forum is designed to convene leaders from Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries to exchange insights and perspectives on fostering international cooperation, enhancing connectivity and prosperity based on trust and inclusivity.
The panel features the esteemed diplomats from 5 Belt and Road countries, including Thailand, Turkiye, Malaysia, Pakistan and Indonesia, with Prof. Naubahar SHARIF, Head of Division of Public Policy of HKUST as the panel moderator.
Remarks: This is a HMAW1905-recognized event in the “Personal Enrichment & Community Service” category under the "Self-directed Experience" of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 2 hours, you must attend the sharing session in full and miss no more than 5 mins. You can register with your ITSC email via Qualtrics.