Department of Mathematics - Algebra and Geometry Seminar - Symmetric polynomials and interpolation polynomials

4:30pm - 5:30pm
Room 4504 (near Lifts 25/26)

Symmetric polynomials---for example, Schur, Jack, and Macdonald polynomials---are classical objects in the study of algebra, representation theory, and combinatorics. Interpolation polynomials are certain inhomogeneous versions of Jack and Macdonald polynomials. In this talk, after reviewing some basics on symmetric polynomials, I will introduce interpolation polynomials and discuss our recent work on their properties. As an application, I will give a characterization of the containment partial order in terms of Schur positivity or Jack positivity. This result parallels the works of Cuttler--Greene--Skandera, Sra, and Khare--Tao, which characterize two other partial orders in terms of Schur positivity. This work is joint with Siddhartha Sahi.

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Rutgers University
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Faculty and staff
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PG students
UG students
Department of Mathematics
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