
Young Leaders in Displays (HK) and PG Workshop (Mixed Mode)  第八屆兩岸三地研究生顯示技術研討會
會議, 座談會, 論壇 工作坊

Young Leaders in Displays (HK) and PG Workshop (Mixed Mode)


由 電子及計算機工程學系 代表 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies; Society of Information Display (SID) 推廣
IAS Lecture Theatre, Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, and also available in ZOOM (MIXED MODE)
2021 年 12 月 15 日 至 2021 年 12 月 16 日
 Vision-based Force Estimation in Robot-assisted Surgery by Humans and Machines
研討會, 演講, 講座

Feeling Through Seeing: Vision-based Force Estimation in Robot-assisted Surgery by Humans and Machines

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
ZOOM: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/94218980263 Meeting ID: 942 1898 0263 Passcode: 883549
2021 年 12 月 14 日
HKUST-ACE and EDSSC  - Flexible Nanowire Photodetectors for Imaging and Communication Applications
研討會, 演講, 講座



Flexible Nanowire Photodetectors for Imaging and Communication Applications

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Registration URL: https://hkust.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqceCqqz8jGNN4DtA5mdZG423pV1yZWN5s
2021 年 11 月 29 日
Principles of Autonomy for Active Perception by Robot Swarms
研討會, 演講, 講座

Principles of Autonomy for Active Perception by Robot Swarms

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
ZOOM: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/92419032799 Meeting ID: 924 1903 2799 Passcode: 789757
2021 年 11 月 15 日
Truly Intelligent Circuit Design and Implementation
研討會, 演講, 講座

Truly Intelligent Circuit Design and Implementation

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
https://hkust.zoom.us/j/99351788331 Meeting ID: 993 5178 8331 Passcode: 358664
2021 年 11 月 8 日
Miniature Robotics and Bioinspired Intelligence for Better Health
研討會, 演講, 講座

Miniature Robotics and Bioinspired Intelligence for Better Health

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Classroom 4472 (4/F via lifts 25/26), Academic Building, HKUST
2021 年 10 月 26 日
 The Basics
研討會, 演講, 講座

SRAM Design: The Basics

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
ZOOM: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/93378416967 Meeting ID: 933 7841 6967 Passcode: 174818
2021 年 9 月 28 日
 From Pareto to Maxwell
研討會, 演講, 講座

IoT Thrust Seminar


Integrating Communications, Sensing and Control in Cyber Physical Systems: From Pareto to Maxwell

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Zoom Meeting ID: 929 5221 4303, Password : iott
2021 年 8 月 4 日
IoT Thrust Seminar  - Physics-guided Machine Learning for Structural Identification, Monitoring, and Diagnostics
研討會, 演講, 講座

IoT Thrust Seminar


Physics-guided Machine Learning for Structural Identification, Monitoring, and Diagnostics

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Zoom Meeting ID: 940 2126 3198, Passcode: iott
2021 年 7 月 21 日
 A Collaborative Perspective
研討會, 演講, 講座

Secure and Trustworthy Communications to Empower Intelligent IoT Systems: A Collaborative Perspective

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
ZOOM: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/96829357353 Meeting ID: 968 2935 7353 Passcode: 106345
2021 年 7 月 21 日
Joint seminar by HKUST-ACE and EDSSC  - Van der Waals Heterostructure Devices for Tunneling Phototransistor and Electronic Spectroscopy
研討會, 演講, 講座

Joint seminar by HKUST-ACE and EDSSC


Van der Waals Heterostructure Devices for Tunneling Phototransistor and Electronic Spectroscopy

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Registration URL: https://hkust.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsce2rqjIuGdJy5iIhlc9WwI8AYq8704zb
2021 年 7 月 16 日
 PhD Thesis Presentation           Optical Camera Communication Based Li-Fi Systems for Enabling Internet of Optical Things for Smart Buildings   
研討會, 演講, 講座

 PhD Thesis Presentation




Optical Camera Communication Based Li-Fi Systems for Enabling Internet of Optical Things for Smart Buildings


由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Examination Venue: Lecture Theater J, 2/F Academic Building, HKUST Or Scheduled Zoom Meeting: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/6155433159?pwd=MlVuMW9VRFZpSzZvaFJwdkJOQkFZUT09 (Meeting ID: 615 543 3159, Passcode: 112233)
2021 年 7 月 14 日
Waterloo International Workshop on Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation

Waterloo International Workshop on Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation

由 HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study; 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Online via Zoom
2021 年 7 月 7 日 至 2021 年 7 月 11 日
IoT Thrust Seminar  - Advance Frontier of Autonomous Internet-of-Things (A-IoT) with Magnetic Sensing and Computational Intelligence in Energy Sector
研討會, 演講, 講座

IoT Thrust Seminar


Advance Frontier of Autonomous Internet-of-Things (A-IoT) with Magnetic Sensing and Computational Intelligence in Energy Sector

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Zoom Meeting ID: 978 9498 9974, Passcode : iott
2021 年 7 月 7 日
Integrated Voltage Regulator and Power Converter Topologies for Efficient Power Delivery
研討會, 演講, 講座

Integrated Voltage Regulator and Power Converter Topologies for Efficient Power Delivery

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
2021 年 6 月 29 日
3D Vision and Beyond
研討會, 演講, 講座

3D Vision and Beyond

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
via ZOOM: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/95632818477 Meeting ID: 956 3281 8477 Passcode: 638228
2021 年 6 月 24 日
IoT Thrust Seminar  - Optimal locally repairable codes for distributed storage systems
研討會, 演講, 講座

IoT Thrust Seminar


Optimal locally repairable codes for distributed storage systems

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Zoom Meeting ID: 936 7762 2464, Passcode : iott
2021 年 6 月 15 日
IoT Thrust Seminar  - A Data Science Perspective on the Internet
研討會, 演講, 講座

IoT Thrust Seminar


A Data Science Perspective on the Internet

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Zoom Meeting ID: 965 1967 6407, Passcode : iott
2021 年 6 月 3 日
 Challenges and Opportunities
研討會, 演講, 講座

Joint Seminar by HKUST-ACE and EDSSC


Quantum Computing Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities

由 電子及計算機工程學系 主辦
Registration URL: https://hkust.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwldeuhrjouHdDxmMKb0KxZvYQ3j9KnhswF
2021 年 5 月 28 日