SENG Internship Experience Sharing Competition

12:00am - 11:45pm

To promote internship-taking to your peers in SENG and to enable prospective students to understand the job prospect of engineering students, we are organizing an Internship Experience Sharing Competition to collect photos/videos and quotes from those of you who have taken up an internship during your time at HKUST. 



Winners of the Best Photos/Videos Awards and Best Quotes Awards will be awarded HK$3,000.  Selected participants who have submitted outstanding Photo/Video AND Quote will receive a further award of $5,000.

Each participant with submission meeting all the Materials Requirements (see below) will receive a Prize of HK$500.


Year 3 or above UG Students in SENG (including DDP)

Internship Period
July 2019 to May 2022

Submission Period
20 Apr 2022 (Wed) to 6 Jun 2022 (Mon)

Participants should submit their photos/videos and quotes on or before 6 Jun 2022 (Mon).  Late submission will not be considered.

General Requirements

  • To compete for the Best Photos/Videos Award, participants should submit at least 1 formal photo or 1 video
  • To compete for the Best Quotes Award, participants should submit at least 1 short quote (in English)

Materials Requirements


  • Both formal and informal photos are welcome. Each photo has to be in JPG format and at least 1MB in size/ 300 dpi in resolution (the higher the better)
  • Please name your file(s) as ‘Student ID_Student Full Name’
  • Formal pictures ideas (Please avoid having colleagues or other people in the photos due to privacy concerns):
    • You standing in front of the company’s logo (in uniform/professional attire) looking smart (this is a classic one particularly useful for promotion targeted at prospective students and outsiders)
    • You at work e.g. working with systems/machinery, at your desk or giving a presentation etc.
  • Informal pictures ideas (If colleagues/other people are present in the photo, please make sure their faces are not visible.  Please also ensure that you have got their permission before submitting the photo to the contest):
    • Company activities, lunch gatherings with colleagues etc. (Anything is welcome as long as it is not embarrassing, remember they will be shown to outsiders!)


  • Each video file must be in MP4 format and within 3 minutes
  • Please name your file(s) as ‘Student ID_Student Full Name’
  • If colleagues/other people are present in your video, please make sure their faces are not visible.  Please also ensure that you have got their permission before submitting the video to the contest


  • To compete for the Best Quotes Award, participants should submit at least 1 short quote in English (100-200 words)
  • You may describe what you have learnt during the internship, how you have benefited from the internship experience or how has the internship experience impacted your future career goal/ plan etc.
  • Participants are welcome to submit 1 other quote (in traditional/simplified Chinese) on their internship experience (100-200 words) on a voluntary basis

Important Notes

  • Authorship: Participant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of all materials (including background music, if any, in video) submitted.
  • Usage of submitted materials (photos, videos and quotes) and personal data: Submitted materials might be used in various occasions and published on different media channels (e.g. SENG website, Info Day panels, recruitment brochure, etc.).  By submitting materials for this contest, you grant HKUST the non-exclusive right to modify and/or reproduce the submitted materials for any purpose at any time in any media with attribution. You consent to the use of submitted materials and your personal data including name and English name (if any) in any publicity carried out by HKUST, without further compensation.


Center for Industry Engagement and Internship

2025年 三月
