MPhil in Civil Engineering - Enhancing Rooftop Photovoltaics Through the Fusion of Hardware and Software Innovations 2025 年 1 月 20 日 3:00pm - 6:00pm , HKUST 分享 电邮 加到我的日程 活动形式 论文答辩 候选人 LIN, Zinan 语言 英文 主办单位 土木及环境工程学系 Event Format 按活动形式浏览社区工作比赛会议, 座谈会, 论坛展览, 展览会筹款简介会, 迎新其他活动形式表演研讨会, 演讲, 讲座社交聚会游览, 参观大学盛事及典礼工作坊30周年纪念 Organizer 按主办单位浏览学生纪录及注册处Academy for Bright Future Young EngineersAcademy of Interdisciplinary Studies先进工程材料实验所AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart SystemsArt Program, Co-curricular ProgramsArtificial Intelligence Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Atmospheric, Marine & Coastal Environment ProgramAutonomous RC Car Racing ClubBioscience and Biomedical Engineering Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Biosciences Central Research FacilityBiosciences Central Research Facility, HKUST(GZ)Biotechnology and Business Program生物技术研究所校园服务处Carbon Neutrality and Climate Change Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Career Center先进微系统封装中心Center for Aging ScienceCenter for Applied Social and Economic ResearchCenter for Chinese LinguisticsCenter for Economic PolicyCenter for Education InnovationCenter for Engineering Education Innovation Center for Fundamental PhysicsCenter for Global & Community EngagementCenter for Industry Engagement and InternshipCenter for Language EducationCenter for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE)Center for Technology Leadership, HKUST(GZ)艺术中心实验用品供应部Center of Quantum Science and Technology, HKUST(GZ)Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research中电风洞实验所Co-curricular ProgramsComputational Media and Arts Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Computer Engineering ProgramConnect Ambassador for Community Engagement 2019-20Counseling & WellnessCreative Media Zone | MTPCData Science and Analytics Thrust, HKUST(GZ)DDP Peer Mentoring ProgramDean of Students’ Office会计学系Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering化学系土木及环境工程学系计算器科学及工程学系经济学系电子及计算器工程学系财务学系Department of Health Safety and Environment, HKUST(GZ)Department of Industrial Engineering & Decision Analytics信息,商业统计及营运学系管理学系市场学系数学系Department of Mechanical & Aerospace EngineeringDepartment of Ocean Science物理学系设计与制造服务所大学发展及校友事务处Digital Marketing Team, Co-Curricular ProgramsDiversity and Equal Opportunities CommitteeDiversity and Equal Opportunities, Office of the Vice-President for Administration & BusinessDivision of Arts and Machine CreativityDivision of Biomedical EngineeringDivision of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas环境学部人文学部综合系统与设计学部Division of Language Education, College of Educational Sciences, HKUST(GZ)生命科学部Division of Public Policy社会科学部Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management (T&M-DDP)Electronic Packaging Laboratory创业中心Environmental Central FacilityExecutive Education Office校园设施管理处FINA 3001 Student Committee财务处Financial Technology Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Fintech Research ProjectFirst-Year Experience @ ResidenceFrom the Bauhaus: visions, design and technologyFunction Hub, HKUST(GZ)岩土工程离心机实验所Global China CenterGlobal Engagement & Greater China Affairs公共事务处GREAT Smart Cities InstituteGuangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institutehackathon OC Team健康、安全及环境处HKUST AlumniHKUST be Our GuestHKUST Big Data InstituteHKUST Business School - Communications and External AffairsHKUST Business School - UG Recruitment & AdmissionsHKUST Collaborative Innovation CenterHKUST ConnectHKUST Diversity and Equal OpportunitiesHKUST Energy InstituteHKUST Engage霍英东研究院HKUST Foshan Center for Technology Transfer and CommercializationHKUST Foshan Research Institute for Smart ManufacturingHKUST Institute for Emerging Market StudiesHKUST ISACA Student GroupHKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced StudyHKUST LED-FPD Technology R&D Center at Foshan图书馆HKUST RandD Corporation LimitedHKUST Robotics InstituteHKUST Robotics TeamHKUST Shenzhen Research InstituteHKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Collaborative Innovation Research InstituteHKUST Spark GlobalHKUST Staff AssociationHKUST STEAM Tutor TeamHKUST Student Ambassador ProgramHKUST SustainabilityHKUST-BDR Joint Research InstituteHKUST-Kaisa Joint Research InstituteHong Kong Branch of the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)人力资源处人力资源处(GZ)IAS Center for Quantum TechnologiesIndustrial Training CenterInformation Hub, HKUST(GZ)信息系统处Information Systems Students' Society资讯科技中心(GZ)信息科技服务中心Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Institute for Public Policy环境研究所Intelligent Transportation Thrust, HKUST(GZ)跨学科课程办事处Internet of Things Thrust, HKUST(GZ)IPO Buddy ProgramISD Advising TeamISD NinjasJockey Club HallLab Services Department, HKUST(GZ)Laboratory Animal Facility (CWB)Leadership & Public Policy Executive Education Programs OfficeMainland and Belt&Road材料测制实验所Media Technology & Publishing CenterNano & Advanced Materials Institute LimitedNanosystem Fabrication FacilityOffice of Contract & Grant AdministrationOffice of General Logistics, HKUST(GZ)Office of Global LearningOffice of Institutional ResearchOffice of Knowledge TransferOffice of Lab Facilities and Safety, HKUST(GZ)Office of Mainland AffairsOffice of Postgraduate StudiesOffice of Student Affairs, HKUST(GZ)工商管理学院院长办公室Office of the Dean of Engineering人文社会科学学院院长办公室理学院院长办公室校长办公室Office of the President - External Relations Department, HKUST(GZ)公共事务处(GZ)Office of the President, HKUST(GZ)首席副校长办公室副校长(行政)办公室副校长(大学拓展)办公室Office of the Vice-President for Research & Development采购处采购处(GZ)Redbird Leadership Community (Bronze track)Redbird Leadership Community (Gold track)Redbird Leadership Community (Silver track)Redbird Open Learning PlatformResearch Department, HKUST(GZ)Research OfficeRisk Management and Business Intelligence ProgramRMBI Alumni MentorshipScholarships & Financial Aid Office工商管理学院工学院人文社会科学学院理学院SEN SupportSENG UG Computer Engineering ProgramShaw Auditorium UnitShenzhen Platform Development OfficeSIGHT at HKUSTSociety Hub, HKUST(GZ)Sports DevelopmentStudent Housing and Residential LifeStudent Innovation for Global Health TechnologyStudent Support & ActivitiesSustainability UnitSustainable Energy And Environment Thrust, HKUST(GZ)Systems Hub, HKUST(GZ)The Center for the Development of The Gifted and Talented秘书处The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyThe South China Research CentertheBASE TeamUG Hall IUG Hall IIUG Hall IIIUG Hall IVUG Hall IXUG Hall VUG Hall VIUG Hall VIIUG Hall VIIIUndergraduate Core Education Team, Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies本科招生及入学事务处Urban Governance and Design, HKUST(GZ)Vice President of Teaching and Learning Office - Red Bird MPhil, HKUST(GZ)Vice President of Teaching and Learning Office, HKUST(GZ)Vice President of Teaching and Learning Secretariat, VPTLO, HKUST(GZ) Interest Areas 按活动主题浏览艺术/音乐/电影/舞蹈/戏剧/语言工商管理就业社区服务多元/性别/共融工程学创业/技术转移环境及可持续发展环球学习历史人文及社会科学社交其他大学活动公共政策住宿生活科学及科技运动教职员发展学生发展 (指导/领袖力/师友计划/创意)科大(广州) Audiences 按适合对象类型浏览校友长者教职员公众科大家庭研究生本科生 新增活动 请各校内团体将活动发布至大学活动日历。 登入 新用户?请按此申请开户 更改用户喜好