GSCI Friday Seminar Series - Smart Mobility Roadmap for Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government published in December 2020 the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong 2.0 (Blueprint), setting out the initiatives for smart city development with a view to addressing the challenges of city management and improving people's livelihood through innovation and technology. Smart mobility is one of the key areas identified in the Blueprint. To set out the strategy and roadmap for delivering the various smart mobility initiatives in the Blueprint, the Transport Department published the Smart Mobility Roadmap for Hong Kong. The Roadmap adopts SIGMA as its vision: S stands for Safe, I for Informative, G for Green, M for Mobile and A for Accessible; and comprises smart mobility initiatives under three areas: 1 smart transport infrastructure, 2 data sharing and analytics and 3 applications and services. Mr Michael LAW will present the various smart mobility initiatives mentioned in the Roadmap and how they would enhance the mobility of Hong Kong citizens.
Mr Michael LAW was graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor Degree of Science in Civil Engineering. Since then, he has been working in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for various civil engineering projects, including the design and construction of To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter and the Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel, which is now under construction. He has also been substantially involved in information technology during his career. For example, he was the Chief Engineer/Smart Mobility of the Transport Department in 2018 responsible for intelligent transport systems. He is now Assistant Commissioner/Technical Services of the Transport Department responsible for delivery of various smart mobility initiatives.