Frontier Technologies Seminars 2023 by HKUST-BDR Joint Research Institute - Perceiving Cities with AI and AI-powered Image Perception for Vision

3:30pm - 5:30pm
Online Seminar

HKUST-BDR Joint Research Institute (HBJRI) is going to organize an online Frontier Technologies Seminar on 23 February 2023 (Thursday). Prof. Lei ZHU from Robotics and Autonomous Systems Thrust, System Hub, HKUST(GZ) and Prof. Fan Zheung from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST, will give seminars on topics on “AI-powered Image Perception for Vision and Healthcare” & " Perceiving Cities with AI and Street-level Imagery" to researchers in Bright Dream Robotics (BDR), HKUST & HKUST (GZ).


All UST staff and students are welcome to attend the seminar and explore potential ways of collaboration on mutually-interested research projects.


Topics that BDR is interested in are as follows:

- Construction Robotics (typically, integration of control, actuation, and vision)

- AI & Big data

- Building Technologies & Intelligent Manufacturing


Please register here. If you would like to know more about the seminar or research collaboration with BDR, contact the institute at


Topics of the Seminar

- “AI-powered Image Perception for Vision and Healthcare” by Prof. Lei ZHU

-"Perceiving Cities with AI and Street-level Imagery" by Prof. Fan Zheung

讲者/ 表演者:
Prof. Lei ZHU
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Thrust, System Hub, HKUST(GZ)

Prof. Lei ZHU is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Robotics and Autonomous Systems (ROAS) Thrust at HKUST (Guangzhou) and affiliated assistant professor at HKUST. Before that, he has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Cambridge. He received his PhD degree at CSE of the CUHK in 2017. His research interest is to develop intelligent visual perception theory and algorithms to assist autonomous systems, medical imaging, robotics, and so on. In past a few years, he has published 70+ papers in top-tier conferences or journals, including CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, AAAI/IJCAI/ACMMM, IEEE TPAMI/TIP/TMM/TCSVT/, IEEE TMI/Medical Image Analysis/MICCAI. He has served a program chair for ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI 2022, an organization chair for CGI 2023, an area chair for MICCAI 2023, ACM MM 2022, ACM MM 2021, and reviewers for top-tier journals and conferences many times. He has won two best papers and winners for public challenges.

讲者/ 表演者:
Prof Fan Zhang
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST

Prof Fan Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST. He was formerly a Senior Research Fellow at MIT and the leader of the Urban Visual AI group at the MIT Senseable City Lab. His research lies at the intersection of GIScience, Geospatial Data Science, and Computer Vision. Dr Zhang is currently an associate editor of Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology, a guest editor of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and a reviewer for over 50 SCI journals in GIS and Remote Sensing. He is a Board Member of the International Association of Chinese Professionals in GIS (CPGIS) and the IEEE GRSS Hong Kong Chapter. He received the Global Young Scientist Award in Frontier Science and Technology at WGDC 2020 and was recognized as Geospatial World 50 Rising Stars in 2022. He was included in the Stanford's list of world's top 2% scientists in 2022.

Office of Knowledge Transfer

2025年 三月
