ForeSee X Bowtie Panel Talk: Innovating the Eye-care Eco-system
Date: 2022/09/14 (Wed)
Time: 19:30 - 20:30 (1 hour)
Format: Offline face-to-face
Location: Lecture Theatre D (LT-D)
Speakers: Professor Ying CHAU (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, HKUST), Mr. Tommy SHUM (Senior Manager of Wellness & Vision Care, Bowtie), and Dr. Emily CHOY (Group Senior Business Director, OPTICAL 88)
Are you curious about the eye-care industry in Hong Kong and potential opportunities to innovate it? We are delighted to have invited Professor Ying CHAU, the director of Student Innovation for Global Health Technology from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering of HKUST, Mr. Tommy SHUM, the Senior Manager at Bowtie Life Insurance Company, and Dr. Emily CHOY, the Group Senior Business Director at OPTICAL 88 Group to share their knowledge and experience and deliver insightful discussion regarding “Integrating the academic and eye-care industry” and “Building an eco-system” to innovate how people access eye care services in the talk. Through this event, you will be able to get an overview of the eye-care industry in Hong Kong nowadays and what university students can contribute to let people access eye-care services better.
Registration link:
Inquiry: In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us via the following channels.
Instagram: foresee_hk
WhatsApp: +852 5316 3671 (Coco)
Additional organizations co-hosting this event:
ForeSee, Bowtie Life Insurance Company