Final Call for Applications – HKUST Bridge Gap Fund 2025

The Bridge Gap Fund (BGF) is a funding program managed by the Office of Knowledge Transfer (OKT) to bridge the gap between research and commercialization. It helps faculty members to establish prototypes and business strategies, and set up a start-up team (Startup Track, for future startup formation) and/or technology transfer deals (Technology Transfer Track, for future technology licensing out). 



  • BGF is to strengthen the commercialization of HKUST technology for licensing technology to industry, forming technology start-up companies, industry collaboration or application to funding with industry partnership.   

  • BGF aims to translate HKUST’s research intellectual property into a comprehensive business proposal to attract and motivate industry partners to work with HKUST to create commercial and societal impact. 

  • OKT staff will work with research teams by leveraging university resources, engaging mentors and industries to build commercially viable business strategies and plan with customer discoveries and product development to attract industry partners, venture capital and government fundings.    


Form of Funding Support 

  • Each project team can opt for Startup Track (Aiming to form a DeepTech Startup by the team itself) or Technology Transfer Track (Aiming to license the BIP or FIP). For details, please refer to the guideline. 

  • Each approved project will typically receive funding support of up to HK$ 0.5M for up to twelve (12) months (from the project commencement date) with tangible deliverables. The total BGF for this Call for Proposal is up to HK$ 5M. 

  • Project period can be set from 6-12 months but must be completed before 30 June 2026. The project cannot be extended.  



  • Projects must utilize the Intellectual Properties (IPs) with invention/software/know-how/copy-right disclosure submitted to OKT. 

  • Principal Investigator (PI) Participation: Must be a full-time faculty member at HKUST (CWB).  

  • Person in Charge (PIC) Participation: Must be a full-time member at HKUST (CWB) and he/she must be a part of the project team. The PIC is responsible for the overall management of the project, ensuring that project deliverables are met and align with the planned objectives. 

  • Principal Investigator can submit more than one application for different projects. 

  • Projects that focus on basic research are NOT eligible.  

  • The projects received or are receiving other funding supports with the same deliverables are NOT eligible. 


Additional Opportunities and Support 

  • DeepTech Incubation Program (DTP): All awarded teams are auto-enrolled in the DTP, which covers training in business strategy, IP management, and fundraising skills. 

  • Funding Opportunities:  

  • Access to HKUST-related funds like the Entrepreneur Fund (E-Fund) and Redbird Innovation Fund (RIF) for further capital infusion and growth. 

  • SSC funding: Additional funding of up to $0.1M will be offered to the awarded BGF projects for demonstrating sustainability contributions through the Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab (SSC) initiative. 


Selection Mechanism & Criteria 

  • Projects should demonstrate the commercial potential and advancement in technology readiness of HKUST research outputs, the prospect of adoption by industry partners, or the establishment of a startup. 

  • In considering an application, the BGF Review Committee will evaluate, at a minimum, the following criteria: 

  •          Potential for Commercialization 

                  —  Key problem or gap that the proposed technology can solve. 

                  —  Novelty and uniqueness of the business concept and the innovative aspects of the technology. 

                  —  Market opportunities 

                  —  Target industry players or startup potential 

                  —  Commitment or endorsement letter from industry player (additional advantage) 

  •          Technology 

                  —  Strength of Background IP (patent/patent application, copyrights, software, know-how, database, etc.) 

                  —  Technology and IP development plan 

                  —  Level of innovation and viability of deliverables 

                  —  Possibility to establish the deliverables 

  •          Project Team 

                  —  Adequacy of the team to perform the project 

                  —  Demonstration of the capability of research and development 



Please note that IP generated throughout BGF belongs to the University and follows the HKUST’s IP Policy.  


For more details, please refer to OKT website and the Guideline.  




If you are interested, please send the application and supporting documents to

Office of Knowledge Transfer


Please refer to the website for the contact points 

2025年 三月
