Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar - Predicting Turbulent Systems from Limited Measurements: Classical Methods to Machine Learning

4:00pm - 5:00pm
Room 5583, HKUST (5/F., Lift #27/28)

The study of fluid mechanics is undergoing a transformation due to recent advancements in measurement techniques and computational power. As a result, data assimilation and neural networks can now be utilized to forecast increasingly complex turbulent flows. However, it remains unclear under what conditions these data-driven methods can be effective and what role classical methods can still play. This seminar will analyse three main predictive methods: linearised (low- rank approximation) models, data assimilation, and model-free neural networks. On the one hand, linearised models require little measurement data but necessitate deep understanding of system dynamics. On the other hand, model-free networks require high-resolution space-time measurement data but require minimal knowledge of system dynamics. I will demonstrate that the measurement conditions required for effective application of data-driven methods, whether model-free or model- based, are closely related to complexity measures from chaos theory. These findings can guide the systematic collection of data and selection of predictive methods for turbulence forecasting in practical systems.

讲者/ 表演者:
Prof. Vikrant GUPTA
Research Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology











Dr. Vikrant Gupta is currently a Research Associate Professor at the Southern University of Science & Technology where he applies data-driven and dynamical systems tools to study complex flows. The areas of application include wall turbulence, wind and tidal energy, and low-emissions gas turbines. He has obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge for which he was awarded a Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award, and his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. He has published 24 SCI papers in high-impact-factor journals, including 10 in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. He has also been awarded two NSFC grants for his research on wall turbulence and wind energy.

Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering