Community GO - Elders Tour @HKUST 科大老友閒遊

01:00pm - 05:00pm
HKUST Campus

[This is a Community Service under Community GO]

*This opportunity requires participants to be proficient in Cantonese.

In recent years, the epidemic has greatly affected our life — many people especially the elderly have not gone out for a long time and missed many opportunities to interact with people. Collaborating with Haven of Hope Bradbury King Lam Community Health Development Centre, students from The Next Changemaker Program organize this campus tour which aims at building community connection between young people and the elders, at the same time, having fun and doing memory and reaction exercises through games! We are currently recruiting HKUST volunteers to facilitate the tour and play games with the elderly. Join us and serve on this enjoyable trip!

近年來因疫情肆虐,一眾市民尤其長者因而大大減少外出機會,失去了與朋友相聚的時光,產生各種不便,身心都受到一定程度的影響。有鑑於此,The Next Changemaker的成員希望透過與靈實白普理景林社區健康發展中心合作舉辦活動,為長者們製造與社區聯繫的機會。同時豐富他們的閒餘時間、訓練記憶力。現正招募義工協助進行是次校園參觀及室內集體遊戲。與我們一同服務及為長者帶來愉快的旅程吧!

Online Briefing
Date: 12 Jan 2023 (Thu)
Time: 5 - 6pm

Service Day
Date: 16 Jan 2023 (Mon)
Time: 1 - 5pm
Venue: HKUST Campus
Gathering time and location: 1pm @Hang Hau MTR Station Exit A

#You are required to attend the whole service program, including Briefing, Service & Debriefing.

Sign up here:

[CORE1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of CORE1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. You need to attend the event in full to get 5 hours.

HKUST Connect
Habits, Mindsets, & Wellness Programs