Call for Proposals: ASPIRE League Partnership Seed Fund 2025

The ASPIRE League was set up in 2009 as a consortium of five leading science and technology universities in Asia with a vision to promote innovation in the region through the advancement of science and technology. In 2019, the ASPIRE League launched the ASPIRE League Partnership Seed Fund to foster deeper research collaboration within the League by building on the research strengths of member universities to create greater impact. The scheme encourages researchers from member universities to collaborate on research topics of mutual interest, with the aim to subsequently make joint external funding applications and build valuable long-term relationships.

For the current round, the participating universities are:

  • Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
  • Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

For each selected project, each participating university will award the stipulated funding (between US$5,000 and US$8,000) directly to its own researcher(s). For HKUST faculty, a successful proposal will be awarded HK$50,000.

Application Details: Please refer to the VPRDO website
Deadline: May 11, 2025
Office of the Vice-President for Research & Development

2025年 三月
