Award Ceremony of PhD Research Excellence Awards 2018-19 cum Experience Sharing Session
2:15pm - 4:00pm
Room 5589, Graduate Commons (Lift 29-30)
Dear Faculty and students,


The annual SENG PhD Research Excellence Awards was launched in 2011 to recognize the outstanding achievement of our PhD students.  The award will be granted to the PhD student who has made the most original and influential research achievements in the discipline.  After a rigorous review by the Engineering Research Committee, Dr. YU Xianghao, a recent PhD graduate from ECE has been selected to receive the award for 2018-19.


To show our appreciation, an award ceremony will take place on 27 May 2019 (Monday).  You are cordially invited to attend the ceremony and sharing by the awardee about his experience in the walk of his research life.  Two runners-up of the PhD Research Excellence Awards, Dr. YAO Quanming, and Dr. JIANG Haoran, PhD graduates from CSE and MAE will also be recognized for their research achievements.


The details of the award ceremony cum sharing session are as below:


Date: Monday, 27 May 2019

Time: 2:15-4:00 pm

Venue: Room 5589, Graduate Commons (Lift 29-30)


Light refreshment will be served after the ceremony.  Here is the program rundown for your ease of reference. Interested parties please register here by 23 May 2019 (Thur).


I look forward to seeing you at the ceremony.


Prof. Tim CHENG

Dean of Engineering
讲者/ 表演者:
Dr. YU Xianghao
PhD Graduate, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering