[Call for Applications] HKUST-YONSEI Global Knowledge Network Awards
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Yonsei University (YONSEI) have established the HKUST-YONSEI Global Knowledge Network Awards to facilitate and support joint initiatives that will strengthen the two universities’ strategic priorities as well as develop multi-disciplinary cutting-edge research to create academic and societal impact. We invite proposals from researchers in all disciplines at HKUST and YONSEI.
In this round of the awards, applicants are encouraged to submit funding proposals for innovative and sustainable programs built around collaborative research linking HKUST and YONSEI. Proposals should be sustainable in the long-term with a plan for engagement that includes leveraging external funding and publication outputs.
In this round, up to four (4) proposals will be funded. Each successful proposal may receive up to the equivalent of HKD 40,000 from HKUST and KRW 7,000,000 from YONSEI for a total of approximately HKD 80,000/KRW 14,000,000 for the joint project.
- Each grant requires at least one PI from HKUST and one PI from YONSEI.
- Grants are open to any HKUST-eligible PI and YONSEI-eligible PI from any academic discipline.
- No specific research themes are required.
- Please refer to the Awards webpage for the Awards schedule.
- Applications will be submitted online via the HKUST-YONSEI Global Knowledge Network Awards - Application.
- Application Deadline: February 3, 2025, 23:59 UTC
- Sign up for the HKUST-YONSEI collaboration matchmaking
Please refer to Global Knowledge Network website for further information about the joint seed funding initiative.
For enquires, please contact Tiffany TANG at global@ust.hk for the Awards Guidelines and additional details.